

perspectives: a monthly podcast with Street Medicine Detroit


1. Start the conversation about the experiences and challenges faced by individuals experiencing homelessness in Detroit

2. Highlight individuals and organizations that are actively working on solutions

3. Inspire a sense of community and compassion Episodes released on the first Wednesday of every month.

To follow us on the go, find the podcast on Spotify, Google Play, or Apple Podcasts.

Listen on Google Play Music

Episode 1: Nousha Hefzi, President, Street Medicine Detroit

In our first episode, we interview the current President of Street Medicine Detroit, Nousha Hefzi.

  • What is Street Medicine Detroit?

  • What Harry Potter house is our current leader?

  • How can you get involved?

Here's the perfect opportunity to find out...

Episode 2: Jed Bell, Vice-President of Patient Consults, Street Medicine Detroit

In our first episode, we interview the current Vice-President of Patient Consultsof Street Medicine Detroit, Jed Bell.

Listen to his stories from how Street Med collaborates with the local hospitals to follow patients to his most memorable moments on street runs.

Tune in to his perspective…